Friday, August 25, 2006


Since we were in Botswana with Aref just a while ago, let's stay there for a minute and allow me to say how much I enjoyed "Blue shoes and hapiness" -- the last of a series that has been my favourite for a while.

Incidentally, I recently tried to buy a pair of shoes but they were already sold to someone else... So I got another one and dropped them at my friend's previous address. But they are not blue...


Anonymous said...

wow, you have been to Botswana, how was it there? I can't even imagine.......

The Miner said...

Wow, Botswana?!!!

arthemis said...

Sorry guys, I was unclear! I have never been to Botswana -- quite unfortunately... I meant that we were all there through Aref, our Iranian Botswanean! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Does this mean that every one understands the story with the shoes at the previous address?