Saturday, March 17, 2007


Thanks to this blogger, I found many of Dariush's songs on YouTube.

Perhaps it is because I recently saw a friend I had not seen for a long time, but listening to those songs brought back a lot of nostalgia and memories and -- sadly -- I felt the following had to be posted:

buye gandom male man, har tchi ke daram male to -- the smell of wheat is mine, all that I have is yours. The song was at the time of the Shah and granted Dariush some time in prison, I believe. The video seems to have been revisited, since it also shows a few clerics -- says quite a bit about our country and its successive leaders, doesn't it?


Artemis said...

Hi, eid e shoma ham mobarak, wish you the best year as well.

Anonymous said...

MORE POSTS! Seriously, all your stuff is so good, but it needs to be more frequent!