Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Niloufar Abi

There has been so much exposure of the Bahai Temple over the past 2 days that I think if they had wanted the publicity, they could not have done that well !

Look here, here, here, here, and here -- not to mention the official Iranian media, which, when criticizing something gives it more credit...

Of course, the government thought that this was the best excuse to close down Hamshahri, and thus attack Qalibaf, Ebtekar and the like, but I am not sure they expected this flurry, which present the so-called "misguided zionist sect" (sic.), as having an open, recognized and even praised presence in India -- one of Iran's best friends.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Speak to the point

For once the International media reported the adoption of the resolution on the human rights situation in Iran, and they even reported a few sentences of the statement of the Iranian Ambassador. However, they omitted to say that rather than trying to respond to the criticism that was included in the text,
Mr. Khazaee, aside from attacking Canada for its widespread (!) human rights violation, went on and on about the Goldstone report and about Israel and Palestine.

Far from me to want here to dismiss the Goldstone report, I just want to point out that Mr. Khazaee, his superiors, and his inferiors (who probably drafted the statement) should listen to the Iranian people.

Monday, November 16, 2009

How to become unpopular in 10 seconds

I know everyone is going to hate me for writing this because they oh-so-love their Shahram Nazeri, but last night's concert at Carnegie Hall was a great disappointment -- despite the standing ovation they got.

Yes they, and I think that is where the main problem lies: Hafez Nazeri, the son, is not as good a musician as his great father.

So when it comes to father and son, frankly, this is so much more melodious, and these are the one that have succeeded in combining Persian music with others.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I need to clarify that if I am wearing green it is for freedom and human rights in Iran -- only.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


There was so much hatred in the look of my basiji (or maybe etelaati) brother today, when he saw that I was wearing a green wristband.

It reminded me of this friend who told me that there had been so much hatred in my eyes the first time we met... Its a hatred that's overcome and I miss my friend, but I know he/she is watching.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dream, dream, dream

Some years ago, a friend of mine told me of a dream he/she had: Ayatollah Khamenei was giving a talk at the university and the room was full. I was standing outside, and to my friend's great surprise he/she too. But then while Mr. Khamenei was speaking all the students started leaving the auditorium, until he was left alone. The dream is coming true. And I miss my friend a lot.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Rap around the elections

Many unsual (and good) things have happened with the elections, here's one I could not but post:

Friday, June 05, 2009

Things one has to hear -- or say...

There are no juvenile executions in Iran, we are just applying the law of Qisas. Implying what can we do if the families of the victims want the perpetrator to be executed?

I cannot understand why, rather than choosing to remain silent, the government of the IRI chooses to ridicule itself by saying such absurdities (scroll down to find Iran). And also to then have to hear Philip Alston (scroll down to the very end), the Special Raporteur on Summary and Arbitrary Executions, mock them even further saying: "Iran is is the only country that seems to have this problem, surely, it can find a solution." (implying there are other Islamic countries in the world).

I would not want to be an Iranian diplomat with two bits of sense and some self-respect.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I went back to an old CD of mine that I love: Mohammad Reza Aligholi's Earth Whisper and particularly it's track with Rahim Moazzen Zadeh Ardabili's azan.

It is strange how the call to prayer can raise diverse feelings. A friend of mine was recently telling me how it brought back a sentiment of oppression. I remember in Sudan, where mosques were being built at literally every corner thanks to Saudi money and every morning it felt like 2-3 guys we shouting in your ears from different sides of your bed, it certainly was not spiritually uplifting.

But this one is different, and it is not only an azan:

not really a shōmyō either...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

I don't know if it is because the situation in Iran has deteriorated, or if his statement was far worse than the usual, or just because I am depressed, but Mr. Mottaki's address to the UN Human Rights Council gave me a bad migraine.

I mean, he started with "I would like to reiterate our firm commitment to work towards making the Human Rights Council a strong, effective and efficient body capable of promoting and protecting all human rights for all on the basis of inclusion, equality and human dignity..."

-- as if all human rights for all, inclusion, equality and human dignity existed in Iran --

and then he ended with: "Our commitment to human rights stems from our firm belief and it is aimed at realizing our goal which is the "inherent dignity of man".

Of course, it is dignified to be beaten so hard that you lose your hearing, it is dignified to have your face plunged into excrement, it is dignified to be flogged...

Just as a footnote, just before the quote, our Minister said that Iran's commitment was based on the Divine Teaching of Islam and in accordance with its International obligations...

Perhaps while writing all this his assistants should have sought help from the Japanese.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Looks like we have entered a descending whirlwind, which is slowly encompassing all Iranians. It reminds me of Brecht's "first they came for the communists, ... , then they came for the trade-unionists, ... , then they came for the jews, ... , then they came for me..."

Now they have come after two doctors who ran a very successful anti-AIDS programme. Yeah, right, they were attempting a "velvet revolution".

They arrest anyone who is speaking up for human rights, they close down offices of human rights defenders.

They arrest young Iranians who were doing some project for the children in poor suburbs -- oh! but I forgot, they are Bahais!...

And now, doctors who help drug addicts.

And who are "they" exactly? Ah yes! Those who are supposed to bring justice and well-being to the people of Iran.

And in the meantime some eat sushi...