Saturday, May 20, 2006


If the idea of having people identified because of their beliefs (and in order to better persecute them) is certainly horrendous, there is still something I do not understand:

- A lot of justified outrage at the news that in Iran Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians will soon have to identify themselves with a specific coloured cloth (subsequently denied);

- Silence when the UN discloses Ayatollah Khamenei's order to the Ministry of Information, the Revolutionary Guard and the Police Force to identify of all the members of the Baha'i faith.



GWD said...

To be silent to Asma Jahangir's report is to cooperate with a terrible prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is debating whether or not a badge will be used. Obviously, the Iranian governmental officials and consulates are denying such a move, but the new dress code may in fact involve differentiating religious minorities through fabric, technically, they are debating the use of colors in fabrics to symbolically separate the religious minorities from the majority Shiiaa Muslims in Iran...They are talking about it in parliament, and I presume that when they start implementing their commie-clothing to the people something will have to be done about the religious minorities. They could always make them wear the same colors, but where would the fun be in that?